Usage Statistics for

Summary Period: May 2024
Generated 01-Jun-2024 02:02 CEST

[Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Referrers] [Search] [Agents] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for May 2024
Total Hits 255583
Total Files 243840
Total Pages 249488
Total Visits 2417
Total KBytes 2132713
Total Unique Sites 1414
Total Unique URLs 384
Total Unique Referrers 233
Total Unique User Agents 1233
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 343 4447
Hits per Day 8244 12506
Files per Day 7865 9697
Pages per Day 8048 9830
Sites per Day 45 160
Visits per Day 77 402
KBytes per Day 68797 341882
Hits by Response Code
Code 200 - OK 95.41% 243840
Code 206 - Partial Content 0.15% 375
Code 301 - Moved Permanently 0.01% 27
Code 304 - Not Modified 1.73% 4428
Code 404 - Not Found 2.70% 6913

Daily usage for May 2024

Daily Statistics for May 2024
Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes
1 9893 3.87% 9697 3.98% 9830 3.94% 56 2.32% 84 5.94% 341882 16.03%
2 7687 3.01% 7637 3.13% 7601 3.05% 55 2.28% 93 6.58% 106657 5.00%
3 7393 2.89% 7285 2.99% 7234 2.90% 186 7.70% 160 11.32% 64354 3.02%
4 7496 2.93% 7324 3.00% 7405 2.97% 402 16.63% 145 10.25% 78455 3.68%
5 7496 2.93% 7451 3.06% 7416 2.97% 69 2.85% 114 8.06% 83601 3.92%
6 8464 3.31% 8429 3.46% 8393 3.36% 47 1.94% 77 5.45% 204967 9.61%
7 7497 2.93% 7464 3.06% 7431 2.98% 42 1.74% 78 5.52% 95286 4.47%
8 6953 2.72% 6866 2.82% 6813 2.73% 40 1.65% 89 6.29% 18430 0.86%
9 7075 2.77% 6958 2.85% 6936 2.78% 78 3.23% 108 7.64% 15702 0.74%
10 7340 2.87% 7256 2.98% 7259 2.91% 94 3.89% 109 7.71% 39039 1.83%
11 7852 3.07% 7802 3.20% 7789 3.12% 57 2.36% 81 5.73% 59733 2.80%
12 8062 3.15% 7657 3.14% 7995 3.20% 70 2.90% 73 5.16% 42285 1.98%
13 8099 3.17% 7476 3.07% 7979 3.20% 105 4.34% 104 7.36% 51636 2.42%
14 8284 3.24% 7910 3.24% 8217 3.29% 59 2.44% 59 4.17% 62551 2.93%
15 9752 3.82% 8779 3.60% 9312 3.73% 67 2.77% 76 5.37% 107232 5.03%
16 7710 3.02% 7412 3.04% 7660 3.07% 61 2.52% 60 4.24% 52327 2.45%
17 7602 2.97% 7395 3.03% 7561 3.03% 55 2.28% 55 3.89% 49715 2.33%
18 7761 3.04% 7360 3.02% 7689 3.08% 66 2.73% 72 5.09% 44017 2.06%
19 7986 3.12% 7392 3.03% 7920 3.17% 64 2.65% 53 3.75% 31171 1.46%
20 8646 3.38% 8081 3.31% 8212 3.29% 68 2.81% 74 5.23% 71783 3.37%
21 8361 3.27% 7753 3.18% 8310 3.33% 87 3.60% 87 6.15% 86683 4.06%
22 8515 3.33% 7493 3.07% 8484 3.40% 49 2.03% 47 3.32% 64222 3.01%
23 7627 2.98% 7572 3.11% 7569 3.03% 79 3.27% 84 5.94% 81990 3.84%
24 7716 3.02% 7637 3.13% 7656 3.07% 73 3.02% 62 4.38% 41548 1.95%
25 8769 3.43% 8735 3.58% 8744 3.50% 60 2.48% 33 2.33% 37520 1.76%
26 8916 3.49% 8795 3.61% 8866 3.55% 112 4.63% 81 5.73% 60845 2.85%
27 12506 4.89% 8363 3.43% 9198 3.69% 75 3.10% 68 4.81% 43658 2.05%
28 8405 3.29% 8211 3.37% 8362 3.35% 60 2.48% 53 3.75% 54950 2.58%
29 8152 3.19% 8116 3.33% 8124 3.26% 71 2.94% 63 4.46% 18019 0.84%
30 8678 3.40% 8661 3.55% 8660 3.47% 36 1.49% 34 2.40% 8448 0.40%
31 8890 3.48% 8873 3.64% 8863 3.55% 55 2.28% 33 2.33% 14008 0.66%

Hourly usage for May 2024

Hourly Statistics for May 2024
Hour Hits Files Pages KBytes
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total
0 328 10184 3.98% 316 9806 4.02% 325 10094 4.05% 3555 110212 5.17%
1 336 10420 4.08% 324 10063 4.13% 333 10351 4.15% 3306 102479 4.81%
2 334 10371 4.06% 331 10278 4.22% 331 10270 4.12% 3348 103796 4.87%
3 340 10541 4.12% 330 10249 4.20% 337 10473 4.20% 3244 100559 4.72%
4 351 10890 4.26% 332 10297 4.22% 348 10797 4.33% 3394 105224 4.93%
5 474 14721 5.76% 331 10280 4.22% 366 11357 4.55% 3752 116317 5.45%
6 338 10499 4.11% 329 10229 4.19% 335 10406 4.17% 3028 93861 4.40%
7 339 10516 4.11% 327 10150 4.16% 336 10442 4.19% 2670 82761 3.88%
8 333 10350 4.05% 326 10109 4.15% 331 10263 4.11% 2508 77748 3.65%
9 330 10249 4.01% 324 10065 4.13% 328 10198 4.09% 2481 76905 3.61%
10 337 10475 4.10% 326 10118 4.15% 334 10358 4.15% 2623 81324 3.81%
11 334 10380 4.06% 326 10110 4.15% 331 10289 4.12% 2557 79281 3.72%
12 327 10145 3.97% 321 9958 4.08% 325 10085 4.04% 2285 70849 3.32%
13 340 10548 4.13% 322 10001 4.10% 337 10449 4.19% 2162 67032 3.14%
14 331 10272 4.02% 322 10007 4.10% 329 10211 4.09% 2238 69374 3.25%
15 332 10309 4.03% 322 9998 4.10% 329 10220 4.10% 2316 71804 3.37%
16 334 10365 4.06% 324 10060 4.13% 330 10252 4.11% 2590 80303 3.77%
17 330 10239 4.01% 320 9950 4.08% 327 10148 4.07% 2651 82171 3.85%
18 336 10442 4.09% 328 10180 4.17% 334 10369 4.16% 2592 80355 3.77%
19 352 10917 4.27% 343 10657 4.37% 338 10491 4.21% 3192 98946 4.64%
20 341 10596 4.15% 331 10264 4.21% 336 10421 4.18% 3192 98954 4.64%
21 352 10913 4.27% 328 10194 4.18% 337 10469 4.20% 2730 84640 3.97%
22 341 10585 4.14% 335 10393 4.26% 339 10516 4.22% 3121 96758 4.54%
23 343 10656 4.17% 336 10424 4.27% 340 10559 4.23% 3260 101058 4.74%

Top 30 of 384 Total URLs
# Hits KBytes URL
1 216023 84.52% 125931 5.90% /
2 16867 6.60% 295288 13.85% /webalizer/
3 6914 2.71% 832579 39.04% /webalizer/usage_202404.html
4 3481 1.36% 423683 19.87% /webalizer/usage_202403.html
5 1562 0.61% 160745 7.54% /webalizer/usage_202405.html
6 396 0.15% 2154 0.10% /webalizer/usage_201609.html
7 318 0.12% 38435 1.80% /webalizer/usage_202308.html
8 185 0.07% 88 0.00% /modlogan/
9 48 0.02% 5896 0.28% /webalizer/usage_202101.html
10 37 0.01% 4672 0.22% /webalizer/usage_202009.html
11 33 0.01% 4062 0.19% /webalizer/usage_202110.html
12 30 0.01% 3706 0.17% /webalizer/usage_202201.html
13 28 0.01% 3457 0.16% /webalizer/usage_202105.html
14 28 0.01% 3362 0.16% /webalizer/usage_202108.html
15 28 0.01% 3394 0.16% /webalizer/usage_202111.html
16 28 0.01% 3456 0.16% /webalizer/usage_202309.html
17 28 0.01% 3269 0.15% /webalizer/usage_202402.html
18 27 0.01% 3328 0.16% /webalizer/usage_202112.html
19 27 0.01% 3277 0.15% /webalizer/usage_202202.html
20 27 0.01% 3303 0.15% /webalizer/usage_202206.html
21 27 0.01% 3309 0.16% /webalizer/usage_202305.html
22 27 0.01% 3292 0.15% /webalizer/usage_202306.html
23 26 0.01% 3094 0.15% /webalizer/usage_202204.html
24 26 0.01% 3211 0.15% /webalizer/usage_202208.html
25 26 0.01% 3146 0.15% /webalizer/usage_202311.html
26 25 0.01% 3106 0.15% /webalizer/usage_202210.html
27 25 0.01% 3080 0.14% /webalizer/usage_202211.html
28 25 0.01% 2995 0.14% /webalizer/usage_202401.html
29 24 0.01% 3 0.00% /icons/blank.gif
30 24 0.01% 2943 0.14% /webalizer/usage_202107.html

Top 10 of 384 Total URLs By KBytes
# Hits KBytes URL
1 6914 2.71% 832579 39.04% /webalizer/usage_202404.html
2 3481 1.36% 423683 19.87% /webalizer/usage_202403.html
3 16867 6.60% 295288 13.85% /webalizer/
4 1562 0.61% 160745 7.54% /webalizer/usage_202405.html
5 216023 84.52% 125931 5.90% /
6 318 0.12% 38435 1.80% /webalizer/usage_202308.html
7 48 0.02% 5896 0.28% /webalizer/usage_202101.html
8 37 0.01% 4672 0.22% /webalizer/usage_202009.html
9 33 0.01% 4062 0.19% /webalizer/usage_202110.html
10 20 0.01% 3867 0.18% /webalizer/webalizer.current

Top 10 of 97 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 3481 1.36% 523 22.48% /webalizer/usage_202403.html
2 216023 84.52% 426 18.31% /
3 6914 2.71% 173 7.43% /webalizer/usage_202404.html
4 16867 6.60% 92 3.95% /webalizer/
5 396 0.15% 76 3.27% /webalizer/usage_201609.html
6 185 0.07% 68 2.92% /modlogan/
7 1562 0.61% 35 1.50% /webalizer/usage_202405.html
8 48 0.02% 26 1.12% /webalizer/usage_202101.html
9 37 0.01% 19 0.82% /webalizer/usage_202009.html
10 28 0.01% 19 0.82% /webalizer/usage_202105.html

Top 10 of 97 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 3481 1.36% 520 22.29% /webalizer/usage_202403.html
2 216023 84.52% 393 16.85% /
3 6914 2.71% 173 7.42% /webalizer/usage_202404.html
4 16867 6.60% 100 4.29% /webalizer/
5 185 0.07% 83 3.56% /modlogan/
6 396 0.15% 77 3.30% /webalizer/usage_201609.html
7 1562 0.61% 40 1.71% /webalizer/usage_202405.html
8 48 0.02% 26 1.11% /webalizer/usage_202101.html
9 37 0.01% 19 0.81% /webalizer/usage_202009.html
10 28 0.01% 19 0.81% /webalizer/usage_202105.html

Top 30 of 1414 Total Sites
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 215360 84.26% 215360 88.32% 125557 5.89% 3 0.12%
2 4748 1.86% 4748 1.95% 112685 5.28% 2 0.08%
3 4514 1.77% 4514 1.85% 107146 5.02% 1 0.04%
4 3204 1.25% 3204 1.31% 385822 18.09% 1 0.04%
5 2946 1.15% 2946 1.21% 69926 3.28% 3 0.12%
6 2691 1.05% 2691 1.10% 327529 15.36% 1 0.04%
7 1553 0.61% 10 0.00% 237 0.01% 8 0.33%
8 1523 0.60% 1367 0.56% 139133 6.52% 6 0.25%
9 1426 0.56% 1426 0.58% 170952 8.02% 53 2.19%
10 1177 0.46% 1177 0.48% 141734 6.65% 6 0.25%
11 833 0.33% 3 0.00% 71 0.00% 5 0.21%
12 821 0.32% 3 0.00% 71 0.00% 3 0.12%
13 814 0.32% 588 0.24% 59041 2.77% 9 0.37%
14 447 0.17% 447 0.18% 53828 2.52% 6 0.25%
15 446 0.17% 0 0.00% 1573 0.07% 1 0.04%
16 404 0.16% 0 0.00% 1425 0.07% 1 0.04%
17 365 0.14% 1 0.00% 24 0.00% 2 0.08%
18 333 0.13% 184 0.08% 19469 0.91% 117 4.84%
19 303 0.12% 0 0.00% 1069 0.05% 1 0.04%
20 288 0.11% 288 0.12% 34809 1.63% 1 0.04%
21 285 0.11% 1 0.00% 24 0.00% 4 0.17%
22 260 0.10% 260 0.11% 0 0.00% 44 1.82%
23 250 0.10% 250 0.10% 30105 1.41% 1 0.04%
24 218 0.09% 218 0.09% 26252 1.23% 3 0.12%
25 202 0.08% 0 0.00% 713 0.03% 1 0.04%
26 202 0.08% 0 0.00% 713 0.03% 0 0.00%
27 202 0.08% 0 0.00% 713 0.03% 1 0.04%
28 202 0.08% 0 0.00% 713 0.03% 1 0.04%
29 202 0.08% 0 0.00% 713 0.03% 1 0.04%
30 202 0.08% 0 0.00% 713 0.03% 1 0.04%

Top 10 of 1414 Total Sites By KBytes
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 3204 1.25% 3204 1.31% 385822 18.09% 1 0.04%
2 2691 1.05% 2691 1.10% 327529 15.36% 1 0.04%
3 1426 0.56% 1426 0.58% 170952 8.02% 53 2.19%
4 1177 0.46% 1177 0.48% 141734 6.65% 6 0.25%
5 1523 0.60% 1367 0.56% 139133 6.52% 6 0.25%
6 215360 84.26% 215360 88.32% 125557 5.89% 3 0.12%
7 4748 1.86% 4748 1.95% 112685 5.28% 2 0.08%
8 4514 1.77% 4514 1.85% 107146 5.02% 1 0.04%
9 2946 1.15% 2946 1.21% 69926 3.28% 3 0.12%
10 814 0.32% 588 0.24% 59041 2.77% 9 0.37%

Top 30 of 233 Total Referrers
# Hits Referrer
1 43109 16.87%
2 43093 16.86%
3 43075 16.85%
4 43074 16.85%
5 43009 16.83%
6 9863 3.86% - (Direct Request)
7 3378 1.32%
8 2972 1.16%
9 1523 0.60% https://xn--80adb2aqcedv1i.xn--p1ai/
10 1443 0.56%
11 1301 0.51%
12 1095 0.43%
13 734 0.29%
14 707 0.28%
15 689 0.27%
16 667 0.26%
17 664 0.26%
18 641 0.25%
19 640 0.25%
20 634 0.25%
21 633 0.25%
22 628 0.25%
23 618 0.24%
24 598 0.23%
25 584 0.23%
26 540 0.21%
27 400 0.16%
28 379 0.15%
29 369 0.14%
30 360 0.14%

Top 15 of 1233 Total User Agents
# Hits User Agent
1 2468 0.97% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Iron Safari/537.36
2 2447 0.96% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36
3 2350 0.92% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36
4 2302 0.90% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/120.0.6099.71 Safari/537.36
5 1846 0.72% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36
6 804 0.31% Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36
7 708 0.28% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; DotBot/1.2; +;
8 692 0.27% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/70.0.3538.102 Safari/537.36 Edge/18.1
9 687 0.27% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/85.0.4183.121 Safari/537.36 OPR/71.0.
10 684 0.27% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/88.0.4324.150 Safari/537.36 OPR/74.0.
11 680 0.27% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/87.0.4280.141 Safari/537.36 OPR/73.0.
12 680 0.27% Mozilla/5.0 AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko; compatible; ClaudeBot/1.0;
13 667 0.26% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/65.0.3325.181 Safari/537.36 OPR/52.0.2871.
14 666 0.26% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/81.0.4044.138 Safari/537.36 OPR/68.0.
15 631 0.25% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/89.0.4389.90 Safari/537.36 Edg/89.0.7

Usage by Country for May 2024

Top 27 of 27 Total Countries
# Hits Files KBytes Country
1 233388 91.32% 224365 92.01% 1103306 51.73% Unresolved/Unknown
2 13941 5.45% 13770 5.65% 432170 20.26% Russian Federation
3 4074 1.59% 3843 1.58% 446161 20.92% Germany
4 2770 1.08% 1894 0.78% 122792 5.76% Commercial (com)
5 985 0.39% 214 0.09% 21321 1.00% Network (net)
6 129 0.05% 1 0.00% 574 0.03% India
7 129 0.05% 2 0.00% 449 0.02% United States
8 98 0.04% 83 0.03% 4791 0.22% Non-Profit (org)
9 15 0.01% 14 0.01% 36 0.00% Switzerland
10 11 0.00% 3 0.00% 398 0.02% European Union
11 9 0.00% 8 0.00% 32 0.00% Czech Republic
12 4 0.00% 4 0.00% 2 0.00% Generic TLD (info)
13 4 0.00% 0 0.00% 14 0.00% Colombia
14 3 0.00% 0 0.00% 11 0.00% France
15 3 0.00% 2 0.00% 5 0.00% British Indian Ocean Territory
16 3 0.00% 3 0.00% 2 0.00% Japan
17 2 0.00% 0 0.00% 7 0.00% Canada
18 2 0.00% 1 0.00% 4 0.00% Italy
19 2 0.00% 2 0.00% 1 0.00% Netherlands
20 2 0.00% 0 0.00% 7 0.00% New Zealand
21 2 0.00% 2 0.00% 253 0.01% Taiwan
22 2 0.00% 2 0.00% 243 0.01% Tanzania
23 1 0.00% 1 0.00% 1 0.00% Address Routing (arpa)
24 1 0.00% 0 0.00% 4 0.00% Indonesia
25 1 0.00% 0 0.00% 4 0.00% Poland
26 1 0.00% 1 0.00% 123 0.01% Sweden
27 1 0.00% 0 0.00% 4 0.00% St. Helena

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.20